Premium Grade
Tivar® Dockguard provides dock fender facing that outlasts other materials such as wood, rubber, polyurethane or High Density Polyethylene.
Developed for outdoor exposure and wear conditions, Tivar® Dockguard is UV resistant, eco-friendly, wear and corrosion-resistant and as it is
non-hygroscopic, has no moisture absorption. Also referred to as Tivar® ECO or Tivar® Dockfender.
The ideal material developed for marine fender systems, Tivar® Dockguard allows vessels to glide easily along its surface without marring hulls.
Impervious to marine bore worms; Tivar® Dockguard also sheds mussels and barnacles. It outwears hardened steel, and cuts hourglass wear onto pilings, withstands salt, fuel and chemical spills.
Even after 10 years in corrosive salt water, sunlight or high heat or extremely cold weather, Tivar® Dockguard fender facings and wear
strips are top-notch performers.
Tivar® DockGuard is available in black and bright safety colours for better low-light visibility in 48" x 120" sheets with gauge sizes ranging
from 3/4" to 6" that can be made to order.
Proven Industry Performer
Marine/Sea Ports, Transportation/Warehousing
Fender facings
Wear strips
Piling rub strips
Half-round fenders
Developed for the most stringent exposure and wear conditions
Outlasts HDPE, wood, hardened steel, rubber, polyurethane
Specialised surface allows vessels glide along its surface
without damage to hulls
Salt, fuel, chemical resistant
Wear and corrosion resistant
No moisture absorption
UV resistant