E-Plas HeadquartersE-Plas Head Office incorporating Admin, QA WHS, National Operations, Supply, E-Plas Manufacturing, VIC Sales and our Main Warehouse was purpose designed and built and opened in its doors July 2014. |  TIVAR 88-2 in Ship Hull LiningTIVAR 88-2 in Ship Hull Lining mining and logistics industry application; minerals cargo transportaion. TIVAR 88-2 is weldable and optimised for flow promotion enabling ease of unloading. It is made to withstand high impact stress, abrasion, corrosion and wear and tear associated with carting all kinds of minerals from bauxite to iron ore, gravel, rock, sand, rubble to fine particulates. |  Tivar 88 Dock Hopper LiningTivar 88 lining by Quadrant EPP was supplied by E-Plas for these dominating mineral dock hoppers for mining giant, GORO Nickel.
Tivar 88 is a specially modified UHMW-PE, world renowned for its extreme capabilities in the bulk handling of minerals, agricultural material such as grain, soil, fly-ash, rubble, sludge and many more demanding substances. |
 Sustarin Acetal GearsBlack Sustarin Acetal Gears. Acetal offers crisp, precise machinability, low coefficient of friction,excellent wear properties, high strength and dimensional stability. E-Plas custom CNC Manufacture gears, wheels and all types of parts to your design. |  Sustarin Natural AcetalSustarin Natural Acetal used in Marine Exploration application. Sustarin Acetal is made by Rochling Sustaplast is is highly regarded as a world best in the field.
Sustrain Acetal available from E-Plas in stock shapes, rod, sheet/panels. E-Plas Manufacturing can CNC Router, Mill or Turn to your requirements. |  Tivar 1000 Black Guide RailsBlack Tivar 1000 in glass production guideline application. Tivar 1000 was used throughout the plant for its enduring wear and impact properties and self-lubrication allowing for continuous smooth operation of the production line. TIVAR 1000 UHMW-PE is Food Safe approved. |
 Tivar HPV Food & Beverage ConveyingTivar HPV by Quadrant EPP used in conveyor application in Food and Beverage industries.
Seen here in conveyors on milk production line. FDA approved. High Velocity UHMW-PE; Tivar HPV available from E-Plas. |  TIVAR 88-2 lined BinTIVAR 88-2 UHMW-PE lined Bin. TIVAR 88-2 is highly configurable and weldable. It is UV-stabilized with the lowest coefficient of friction of all TIVAR 88 grades. It is the perfect lining material for bulk handling and mining applications for all types of bins and containers, hoppers, chutes, bunkers, conveyors, vibratory pans, and more. |  Natural HDPE Filter ConeNatural HDPE Filter Cone by E-Plas Manufacturing for Confectionery Industry.
Foodsafe HDPE stock shapes rod, sheet /panels available from
E-Plas. |
Rochling Sustaplast Engineering Plastics available from E-Plas in stock shapes, rod, sheet/panels. Acetal is prized for its durability and machineability. |  HDPE SLIDING PLATEBlack HDPE Sliding Plate (Shute).
HDPE stock shapes, rod, sheet / panels available from E-Plas. |  PTFE VirginPTFE is a high performance product with many practical applications with extremely good slip characteristics. Provides the combined advantage of exceptional thermal, electrical and chemical properties that go beyond its mechanical features.
PTFE product range from Guarniflon, Italy, available from E-Plas. PTFE rod, PTFE sheet / panel, PTFE tapes. |