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Thank You for Your Sympathy and Respect

November 14, 2020

I would like to offer my most sincere thanks to everyone for your incredibly kind words of sympathy, beautiful flowers received and the admiration and respect you have expressed for my dear father, Eric V. Marshall, (15/11/1942 - 30/10/2020, Managing Director E-Plas P/L, Gentex P/L) over the past two weeks since his passing.


The vast outpouring of love towards both my Dad and myself, has at times been overwhelming but truly appreciated. I apologise if I do not thank you all individually, as the task is just to great for me at this time.


I am particularly sorry that all who wished to attend my father Eric's funeral were unable to do so due to the restrictions

that we have had to live through. Thank you to those who were able to attend his service in person and those who attended

via virtual means.

The support I have received from my own friends and family and my extended E-Plas family has been

beyond compare. I am very grateful to have such wonderful people around me and carrying on the legacy

that was my Dad's proudest achievement.


It is quite humbling to see how great an impact my Dad has had on so many people, friends and family,

as well as those great people who knew him through Rotary, Heart Kids and Probus and a vast many industry

friends and colleagues, whom he accumulated, in abundance may I add, over many years.


Today, as I am writing, would have been my lovely Dad's 78th Birthday. I would prefer that he was still here

to enjoy this day. I am incredibly proud of my father, Eric Marshall. He was my fantastic Dad, big boss and best mate. And I am exceptionally proud to carry on his legacy.


We will do our utmost to continue to make him proud.

Yours Sincerely,


Lisa Morgan Marshall

Director  E-Plas P/L

Vale Eric V. Marshall 15/11/1942 - 30/10/2020 Managing Director E-Plas P/L, Gentex P/L

October 29, 2020

It is with great sadness that I must announce that on the evening Friday October 30th 2020my beautiful father, Eric, passed away after a very long, well-fought battle with Chronic Leukemia, whilst in the care of the wonderful angels of the Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.

He journeys on, in peace, to be with my darling brother Adam Scott Marshall and beloved wife Jacqui, big brother John, Nana and Granddad (all deceased). His beautiful pups of past, all waiting.

We were with him at the last, my rock, my wonderful partner Adam Verspaget, our brother by choice Brett Gregoire who only had one name for Dad and it was just that, Barbara Palmer, his dearest partner of these past several years who showed Dad what fun life could still be and me, his loving child. Our hearts breaking with our goodbyes. His passing came very quickly.

Strong, brilliant, enterprising, funny, determined and utterly charming. For many years he amazed us, overcoming so much and living life to the fullest. He endured a great deal that he hid well from most, especially over these past months.

Inspiring and guiding many who have known him as friend or colleague, often both, over many years. His achievements leave a legacy from which many will benefit and grow. Managing Director of our business to the end, a beloved leader and well-loved and respected man, all round. No, he never officially retired.

July 1st 2021 is E-Plas 40th Birthday. We shall celebrate his life and achievements further, at that time.

Always positive and determined and ready to make light of the worst of things. My beloved Dad now joins our family, already passed. We will all miss his strength, acute mind and great humour. I will miss him, as will many others, in so many ways.

His funeral service is on Friday November 6th at 1.30pm at Joyce Chapel at Fawkner Cemetery.

We apologize that due to current circumstances, we have not been permitted to invite you all to say farewell. I am sorry I cannot mention all our family and friends and colleagues by name for you are many in number and I know loved him. Funeral Livestream at

The pain and heartbreak do not compare to your love Dad. Love you always, my dearest, wonderful Dad. Thank you for this amazing life. 

And don't worry Dad, we are looking after "nursie", her dear Uncle Grant is making sure River (your beautiful Bernese girl) gets her walks, her friend Spooky is smooching up to her and she has plenty of love.

With enduring love,

Lisa Morgan Marshall

Still Trading Keeping it Covid Safe at E-Plas

August 03, 2020

We would like confirm that we are still open Australia wide, including Victoria, to supply to essential industries such as food, beverage, medical and pharmaceutical, maintenance and infrastructure.


We would just like to reach out to all our wonderful E-Plas friends, customers and suppliers throughout Australia and around the world to say thank you for your continued custom and support throughout these challenging times. Thank you to those of you who have confirmed your ongoing need for our support to your most valued industries and services as we continue this journey through the Covid-19 pandemic. Our amazing team is here for you.

Covid safe measures have been in place for some months now throughout E-Plas nationally and we continue to ensure health and safety measures to the highest standard.

We wish everyone well, as we navigate these difficult times.

Our Continued Gratitutude to our Amazing Medical & Health Care, Essential Services Personnel & E-Plas Staff

June 01, 2020

Everyone at E-Plas would like to express our continued gratitude to all the essential service personnel from our hospitals and medical workers to delivery drivers and shop staff. You have all made our lives so much easier by putting yourselves out there whilst others had to stay at home.

And our amazing staff have been so fantastic in their diligence both in their work and in their adherence to our health and safety measures. It has been a true team effort. Thank you one and all!

Special thanks to our Health Care Workers

April 22, 2020

E-Plas would like to send a special thanks to all the doctors, nurses, paramedics, technicians, researchers, cleaners, caterers and all those in front of and behind the scenes during this challenging time.


E-Plas would like to give a big shout out to all our Health Care workers in the front line working to keep us well and safe whilst they put themselves at risk for our community's benefit. Please always show respect for those who give so much to us. Courtesy and common decency should never be to much to expect.

E-Plas Easter Closure 2020

April 08, 2020

May You All Stay Safe & Well This Easter


Closed from Good Friday 10th April - Monday 13th April

Trading as Usual from Tuesday 14th April


Yes we are still trading as usual everyone, whilst adhering to strict safety protocols for staff and visitors. We will be back for business after Easter break.

E-Plas Covid-19 Response

Firstly, E-Plas Directors Lisa Morgan Marshall and Eric V. Marshall and all the E-Plas team would like extend our deepest sympathy to those who have been affected by the Corona-19 virus.

Our sincerest thanks to all our wonderful E-Plas staff and to all the health care professionals, police and emergency services, educators, freight distributors, store persons and shop assistants and everyone who is in their own way, contributing around Australia, to the well-being, safety and continuation of our everyday lives, who are caring for the sick, infirm and elderly, keeping us healthy, fed, safe and secure and enabling us, as much as possible, to get on with our everyday lives at this challenging time. You are all champions.

E-Plas would like to assure all our valued personnel, customers, suppliers and visitors that we are most conscious of your health and safety during this most concerning time. We are aware that you need to feel comfortable that you can safely come to work and that business will continue as normally as possible over the coming weeks and months ahead.

We understand that everyone is very concerned about control of contagion of the Covid-19 virus and are following the advice provided by the World Health Organisation and Australian Department of Health and sharing preventative advice with our staff and visitors to E-Plas. We are all doing our best to practice excellent personal hygiene and practicing basic infection control.

We are working to reduce contact visits and replacing them with phone or video conferencing where possible. Our customers are welcome to contact their local branch representatives to communicate how they would prefer to engage with E-Plas. Customers may contact their Account Manager or call or email their local E-Plas Branch regarding their upcoming business requirements.

We are identifying at high risk personnel and putting measures in place to reduce risk to such persons. We wish to enable our staff to continue to carry out their day to day work in the best way possible.

We are following government health advice regarding persons exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 or at risk of infection and doing our best to monitor our staff and any potential risk to enable us to act promptly to minimise any possible personal illness or business disruption.

We are adhering to government recommendations regarding any required isolation associated with virus exposure whether locally or due to travel outside Australia. Effective immediately the 14 Day Quarantine / Self-isolation period after exposure to a diagnosed Covid-19 infected person or after overseas travel, applies to all staff and visitors. Staff must have completed 14 Day Quarantine / Self-isolation period and cannot exhibit any Covid-19 symptoms before they are permitted to return to work or visit E-Plas for any purpose.

Our chain of supply and strong national stock holdings remain unaffected at this time and we have had reassurance and regular updates from our overseas and local suppliers that we should not experience disrupted material supply. We continue to trade as per usual.

We understand that many individuals, families and businesses will experience at least some issues due to the Covid-19 pandemic and associated problems, whether they be personal or family illness or business interruptions; we do not take this lightly. It is not only business and people’s physical health that is impacted but emotional and mental health are important considerations too.

Please monitor your own well-being and that of those around you. We should all feel supported and cared for at this time. Remember that it is important to communicate any concerns whether business or personal in a timely fashion so that we may assist you.

We are all working together for the best possible outcome. Following this, are some of the guidelines and practices outlined by the Australian Department of Health that we have adopted.


Yours Sincerely,


Lisa Morgan Marshall

Director E-Plas




You can also go to the Australian Department of Health should you wish to find out more and check for updates regarding Covid-19

Covid-19 Health Information Line Ph: 1800 020 080


E-Plas Asks You to Please Help Now and Support Australian Bushfire Appeals

January 12, 2020

Below are Links to Some of The Many Aussie Bushfire Appeals

By Donating Now Through Any of These and Other Appeals

Together We Can Make a Huge Difference

All Contributions Will Be Most Welcome By Those Affected,

Our Heroic Fire Fighters and Volunteers Working with People,

Domestic and Wild Animals and our Environment.




Red Cross


Wildlife Victoria

Happy New Year

January 01, 2020

We trust you had a safe and enjoyable Christmas break but now it is back to business for us and we will be open as usual from Monday January 6th 2020.

The team will be back on board in all E-Plas Departments and State Branches this Monday and we look forward to assisting you further, in the year ahead.

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